Friday, January 10, 2025

Review: Nobody True by James Herbert

Nobody True – James Herbert

I read this book again over the festive period. It was a book I had loved before, and I thought of it again a few months ago and could not find it. Until I noticed it on my parent’s bookshelf! So I read it again and I have to say it was an experience.

Nobody True tells the story of a man who worked as a graphic designer and co-founded a marketing company. He also has the ability to have OBEs, out-of-body experiences which he can control. After an argument with his business partner while working on a new pitch for a client, he had one of these OBEs. Only to return to his body to discover he’s been horribly murdered.

Set adrift, not a person anymore and not a ghost either, James True must solve his own murder to stop it from happening again. A tale of betrayal, murder and consequences that takes many twists and turns.

I enjoyed the book as much on a second reading as I did the first time. The main character is flawed but generally a good person and it’s interesting to follow his thought process as he deals with his situation.

The story really highlights how little we actually know about people. Even people that are close to us can have secrets. It also shows how twisted someone can become after a lifetime of rejection.

There are some extremely tense and uncomfortable moments, and some revolting things happen as well. The book does go to some dark places, but it takes you on quite a rollercoaster of emotions alongside the main character.

James Herbert is a skilled author capable of making you feel really tense and scared, throwing horrible things at you and making you uncomfortable. Which is why you would be reading a horror novel, right? This isn’t my favourite of his books but it is a story that had a profound impact on me. It really makes you think about how you treat people and react to things.

5 stars from me and definitely worth a read if you like this kind of genre. You’ll enjoy it and unravel the mystery. Even on a second reading, when I know what happens and the plot twists, you see how hints were scattered throughout the whole novel.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Book Review: When the Moon Hatched by Sarah A Parker

 When The Moon Hatched by Sarah A Parker


This book is a fantasy romance, and book one of a duology. It follows two main characters, one an assassin and the other a King and dragon rider. The story follows them as they uncover the truth and create upheaval in their world.

It’s okay to read and the world building is very detailed. Maybe a little too detailed. I found myself very confused a few times, as things were stated but not explained in the story. I found that the ebook version has a detailed glossary at the end, which explained a lot of it but I feel like it could have been included more in the book itself.

The main character Raeve could be quite frustrating at times as well, she had a tendency to really get in her own way a lot. Some of the wording of things felt really jarring, using ‘male’ and ‘female’ instead of man and woman felt clinical. Other word choices felt like they were chosen just to sound ‘different’ and ‘unique’.

There’s a little spice, which is fine. Spice isn’t a deal-breaker for me, but it was pretty well written. I’m not sure whether I will read the next book, I’m intrigued enough to want to know how the plot will end. However, great worldbuilding doesn’t mean much if it’s not included in the prose, and I think working in some of those details would make it easier to understand.

 The massive infodump is an issue for me, it’s not something I like to see. You shouldn’t need to include a massive glossary and explanation of the world building at the beginning of the book, which is what the print version is like. And it’s worse because it is hidden at the end of the ebook version. I don’t think it’s included at all in the audiobook. The worldbuilding should be revealed in the story, and not having that is an accessibility issue.

An average read for me, I don’t know if it’s entirely my cup of tea. The reviews are quite polarised, but there were a few issues for me that made me cringe or pulled me out of the narrative. Three stars from me, because the world building is interesting even if it’s not well explained through the text.

Emi the Cat Lady ðŸ˜½

Friday, December 27, 2024

Book Review: The Mortal Blade by Christopher Mitchell

 The Mortal Blade by Christopher Mitchell

This is the first book in a series of fantasy novels about a City under eternal siege. The main characters are involved in the military and their efforts to keep the city safe from the Greenhides who constantly press towards it. There are dragons, powerful gods and a bunch of twists and turns.

I enjoyed this book. I felt it was a bit slow to get started, but once I got into it, I wanted to keep reading. I liked Maddie, her growth over the course of the book and her relationship with those she works with is great.

Corthie Holdfast was a new Champion brought to help on the front lines, and I’m not entirely sure how I feel about him. He’s interesting, and he has a real ‘fish out of water’ feel as he gets used to his new home and role. He grew on me, though.

I did find his sudden use of Scottish vernacular a bit jarring. For a fantasy setting, it was quite a shock to suddenly read the term ‘bawbags’ in the dialogue. But I think that also highlights that Corthie is very different from the people of the City.

Altogether an entertaining read and I will likely end up reading more in the series in the future. The world building is good and I think the characters are interesting. I do feel like the ending was a little unsatisfying as nothing had really been achieved and there was a real cliffhanger. But we’ll see. Four stars from me. 

Emi the Cat Lady ðŸ˜½

Friday, December 20, 2024

Book Review: Dark Is The Grave by TG Reid

Dark Is The Grave by TG Reid

This is a Scottish crime thriller set in Central Scotland. DCI Bone has been off work after a horrible encounter with a serial killer. He is brought back to work when a copycat killer strikes, and he has to face what happened to him.

I enjoyed this book, it was an interesting read and the mystery was built up very well. The twist was good, although I managed to figure it out before it happened. DCI Bone is very much what I’d expect a grizzled Scottish detective to be like.

It has a lot of the tropes you’d expect, but I like the main character a lot. I was absolutely compelled to keep reading to find out the truth alongside him. There was a bit of vernacular but it wasn’t excessive to me, making it still quite accessible for those who aren’t from Scotland.

All around a good read and an interesting story, exploring the effect of PTSD on people like the police with all the awful things they witness and get involved with. As well as how it can impact the people we love, and take its toll on relationships. Four stars from me.

Emi the Cat Lady ðŸ˜½

Friday, December 13, 2024

Book Review: Until The World Ends by Jolene Gettler

 Until The World Ends by Jolene Gettler

I adored this book. The author has been a mutual on TikTok for a while, and the more I heard about this book, the more excited I was to read it. I’m not usually one for romance, or rom-com, but this one was different. I loved everything about it from the characters to the setting.

As a long-time fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I really enjoyed the way the people were just resigned to things like vampires, tentacle monsters and f*cking Larry! That everyone carried a bag of monster fighting kit with them wherever they went, including gas masks, UV flashlights and holy water.

The office romance was fun, believable and hilarious at times. The characters were delightfully flawed and their interactions with each other were highly entertaining. Cute, funny and a bit dark, which is absolutely my jam. I’m someone with a dark and irreverent sense of humour, so it resonated well with me.

I read this book during a stressful period, when I was packing to move and dealing with all sorts of annoying health stuff, and it was exactly what I needed in that time. I’d been reading and writing a lot of heavy emotional stuff and was looking for something a bit lighter and more fun. Until The World Ends was just what I needed.

The audiobook has just come out, so whatever way you prefer to read awesome books, you now can. I cannot recommend this book enough. It’s worth your time. Here's the Amazon link (not affiliated!).

Emi the Cat Lady ðŸ˜½

Friday, December 6, 2024

Review: The House of the Witch by Clare Marchant


The House of The Witch by Clare Marchant

I loved this book and couldn’t put it down. The story follows a woman who rents a cottage in rural Norfolk, and a young woman in 1646. Adrianna discovers a journal and uncovers the story of Ursula, who worked as a midwife and healer and chose to remain single for life. However, 1646 was not a good time for single women, as the mere rumour of witchcraft can spell death.

The story is expertly woven, switching smoothly between 2024 and 1646 while unravelling a compelling narrative with a satisfying conclusion. It is clear that a lot of research was done into the witch-hunts and what happened during that time period. The way entire communities and friends would turn on someone, once they’d been accused. The horrific torture these women were subjected to in order to force a confession.

It’s delightfully spooky, with some really uncomfortable moments that really make you hate the villain of the story. From the start, this book draws you in and you need to know what happens next. I love the way it ends, but I'll keep this spoiler free. It's very emotional yet satisfying. 

Sometimes time switching can be jarring, but in this book, it feels natural, and it allows us to discover the story along with both Adrianna and Ursula. Absolutely spectacular and I would highly recommend this book. It gets 5 stars, and well deserved. 

If you want to check it out, here's the link. Please note this review is not sponsored, I'm simply sharing my review after reading it. 

Emi the Cat Lady ðŸ˜½

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Come On In!

Get Cozy With Me

I'm Emi the Cat Lady, and I thought I would do a quick introduction post to this new blog. So, what can you expect here? Book reviews, reading recommendations and my thoughts on all things reading. I've been an avid reader since I learned to read, and I have recently got back into reading regularly after a few years away from it. 

I've always loved books, the escapism they provide is like nothing else in the world. I like fantasy, some sci-fi, historical fiction and some horror and thriller books as well. As a child, my favourite author was Roald Dahl. As an adult, my favourite is Phillip Pulman. I also enjoy Terry Pratchett's books and James Herbert as well. 

About Me

So who is this crazy cat lady? I've gone by Emi online for years now. I'm a musical nerd, and my favourite is Cats, which is probably obvious. I am a cosplayer, gamer, crafter, writer and content creator. I am also a qualified veterinary surgeon, but I am no longer able to work in that field. That's because I'm also a chronic pain warrior, I suffer from psoriatic arthritis, sacroiliac problems, with sciatica, diabetes and some kind of undiagnosed neuropathy. I've also suffered with depression and anxiety for most of my life. 

Book Reviews

I'll post regular reviews of the books I've read recently, with my thoughts and opinions on them. Once a month, I'll post a top 5 list of books I recommend and why. I'm always open to recommendations, so if you know of a book you think I'd like, please let me know! Even if it's your own book. 

I hope you'll join me on this journey. Reading is such a wonderful thing, bringing us new worlds and learning. I don't believe in gate-keeping and I don't believe in censorship either. Books are inherently political, and they are a great way of tackling difficult topics. So it's important to keep this alive and well, for the good of the global community. 

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll enjoy my reviews and content. I have a YouTube Channel dedicated to science, biology and storytelling in gaming. I also will be launching a blog to write about gaming news, reviews and other related topics. Finally, I have a blog about my writing journey, covering the writing process, editing and proofreading. I'm new to this industry, so I want to share my experience. Much love to you all! 💜

Emi the Cat Lady 😽

Review: Nobody True by James Herbert

Nobody True – James Herbert I read this book again over the festive period. It was a book I had loved before, and I thought of it again a ...